Special provision should be made for children 应给孩子在经济上专门作好安排。
With regard to application deployment, a special provision is made for supporting the concurrent deployment of applications. 对于应用程序部署,为了支持应用程序的并发部署,对其进行了一个特殊配置。
Ministers launched a review of special needs provision last week to look at how to ensure parents can send a child with SEN to their preferred choice of school. 部长在上周发布关于特殊教育需求规定的评论,以考虑如何确保家长可以将有特殊需要的孩子送到他们首选的学校。
At a summit in meseburg, the German government last week decided to make use of a special provision that could block foreign investments on national security grounds, but the details of these plans are still to be finalised. 上周在梅泽堡的一次峰会上,德国政府决定利用一条特殊规定,该规定可以以国家安全为由阻挠外国投资,但相关计划的细节还有待最终敲定。
Just from the viewpoint of feasibility and harmony of criminal norm, and basic value orientation of criminal law, several aspects of special recidivism provision should be completed. 从刑法规范的可操作性、调性以及刑法的基本价值取向上看,我国特别再犯制度仍存在有待完善的地方。
It had begun to make special provision for refugees. 它开始进行针对难民的专门立法。
And to moistureproof without special provision. 而对于防潮无专门规定。
Moreover, special space provision are made for additional die casting peripheral accessories. 系统另备有空间作压铸周边设备的扩展。
These broker-originated loans are souring at an accelerated rate, and Wells Fargo has announced that it will take a special loan-loss provision in the fourth quarter to cover losses. 这类源自中介的贷款很快就出了问题,富国银行已宣布将在第四财政季度计入特殊的贷款损失准备金以弥补损失。
Special provision for autistic children in special child care centres 特殊幼儿中心自闭症儿童特别服务
In the case of difference between the new general provision and an old special provision enacted by the same agency, the enacting agency shall make the ruling; 同一机关制定的新的一般规定与旧的特别规定不一致时,由制定机关裁决;
As a kind of extremely special provision of Letter of Credit-Soft Clause as well as risk guard of Soft Clause, this article launches the research on this question. 针对信用证条款中一种非常特殊的条款&信用证软条款以及软条款风险防范这一问题,本文展开研究。
Special provision for certain packages 对于特定包装商品的特别条款
The author, by analyzing night measurement method for noise from construction site about time and analyzing chine and Shenzhen economic special zone about the provision of night construction, explain the time of measuring noise interrupting people from night construction site. 通过对现有夜间建筑施工噪声测量方法关于测量时间及国家和深圳经济特区有关夜间施工规定的分析,阐述了夜间施工噪声扰民监测时间问题。
Adopting legislation mode of the general and special provision of criminal law to definite the punishment range of unit attempted crime; 采取总则概括规定与分则具体规定相结合的立法模式,明确单位犯罪未遂处罚的范围;
At present, our scholars put importance on the legal protection of common shareholders 'equity in stock limited company, but they think it is not necessary that common shareholders' equity in limited liability company are given special protection except general provision. 目前,我国理论界十分重视股份有限公司小股东权益的法律保护,但并不认为有限责任公司的小股东利益有从普通制度外给予特殊保护的必要。
When the law has a special provision or the parties achieves a fairly special agreement within the limit of law, the special provision or agreement shall be obeyed. 法律有特别规定或当事人在法律允许的范围内有特别的公平约定时,应依特别规定或特别约定。
For stopping the serious violence the crime and protect the Human body of the citizen availably the safety, the new emendatory penal code increased the special defending the provision of the power. 为了有效地制止严重暴力犯罪、保护公民的人身安全,新修订的刑法增加了特殊防卫权的规定。
It is based on relevant constitution of a crime of the special provision of Criminal Law, and is supplemented by relevant provisions of the general principles of Criminal Law so that the constitutive requirements are determined, and the basis of determination of its guilt and penalty. 未完成罪是犯罪的特殊形态,它以刑法分则相应的犯罪构成为基础,以刑法总则的有关规定为补充,从而确定其构成要件,形成对其定罪量刑的根据。
Legal fiction and provision of attention are of so great difference in applying conditions, determinant conclusion and legal interpretation that when we judge a special provision we must do it cautiously. 法律拟制和注意规定在适用条件、认定结论和法条解释等方面存在着重大区别,在认定其究竟属于法律拟制还是注意规定时更需小心地求证和谨慎地判定。
The corporation is subject to the principle of majority rule: holders of a majority of the voting share govern after it is established by contract or special charter or bylaw provision. 该原则经由协议、专门的章程或细则所确定后,公司将服从多数决原则即持有多数表决股份者控制公司的决策。
The special provision of the accomplice of the crime of embezzlement does good to determining the crime of embezzlement of the behaviors of state functionary, but there also exits the disadvantage of unbalance between light crimes and serious crimes. 贪污共犯的特别规定,虽有利于统一认定国家工作人员的贪污犯罪行为,但也存在量刑上轻重不一致的弊端。
Our country also gave special provision and request in exhaustion standard, the infection of hospital wastewater, discards particularly pays attention to people. 我国在排放标准中也给予了特殊的规定和要求,尤其是医院污水污物所具有的感染性更为人们所关注。
But the legal provision concerning the eco-environmental benefits compensation currently is just constituted in the individual legal article of implemented law separately of some environment laws and lacks of special maneuverability provision of about compensated object, compensated form and compensated limit etc. lacks concrete. 但目前有关于生态补偿的法律规定只是散见于一些环境资源保护单行法的个别法条,对于补偿对象、补偿形式以及补偿额度的确定等方面缺乏具体的可操作性的规定。
The meanings of the study were to push towards a higher layer of special equipment safety provision, scientifically carry out the special equipment's safety provision work, promote social economics development, essentially guarantee the people's lives and properties, and to support society stability. 推动了特种设备安全监察工作推向更高的层次发展,利于科学的开展特种设备安全监察工作,促进社会经济发展,切实保障人民生命财产安全,维护社会稳定。
Existing criminal law does not make special provision on litigious fraud, leading to the academic circle emerge a lot of different view on qualitative issue of litigious fraud, and the treatment in the judicial department for the handling of litigious fraud is vastly different. 由于我国现行刑事立法没有对诉讼欺诈做出专门规定,导致学界对诉讼欺诈的司法定性问题产生了分歧,司法实践部门对于诉讼欺诈行为的处理也是千差万别。
This part focuses on the analysis of the defects of the crime of harboring criminal of narcotic drugs in the legislation. It lacks of the basis and significance as a special provision. 第六部分:包庇毒品犯罪分子罪的立法缺陷与完善。着重分析了我国包庇毒品犯罪分子罪的立法缺陷,它缺乏作为特别规定的基础和意义。
Although the general principle and special provision of criminal made specific provisions to authority crime problems, in judicial practice, the handling of the organs crime cases is still caught in an awkward position. 虽然刑法的总则和分则都对机关犯罪的问题做出了规定,但司法实践中,对于机关犯罪案件的处理依然陷入了尴尬的境地。
It originated in religious activities, budded in sports games, and developed from traditional form of sports competition into a modern special events manifesting provision with competition products and related services. 它起源于祭祀活动、萌芽于体育游戏,并从运动竞赛的传统表现形式发展成为现代的一种提供竞赛产品和相关服务产品的特殊事件。
Good-faith acquisition system is a special provision on unauthorized disposal, namely a restriction regarding ownership efficacy. It is the result of balancing and choosing between safety and convenience of ownership protection and trade. 善意取得制度是对无权处分的特别规定,是对所有权效力的一种限制,它是法律在所有权的保护与交易的安全和快捷之间予以平衡和取舍的结果。